The Happy Dictator at work

The Happy Dictator at work
The Happy Dictator's normal attire usually consists of: a hat, a T-shirt, some jeans, a smile, and a Murderous Army

Sunday, March 11, 2007


Here are a list of current movies that all citizens of my republic should see to save themselves from social retardation....

1) Babel - great movie about four different families/groups that somehow tie together.... includes gunshots, drinking, and naked women... everything your happy dictator loves

2) Borat - greatest comedy of this year, maybe even last year, maybe even the year(s) before that.... also includes drinking and naked women.... NICE! HIGH FIVE!


Wednesday, March 7, 2007

fudging ticketmaster...

lost my tickets to the Red Hot Chili Peppers/Gnarls Barkley concert that is currently in the happenings whilst I post this.... ticketmaster will not be on my list of survivors when I genocide the world...

Monday, March 5, 2007

We Were Dead Before the Ship Sank...

is the new album from Modest Mouse. Their single "Dashboard" is primo material. If you have never heard anything other than "Float On" by the forementioned artist, I suggest you go out, buy their latest album titled "Good News for People Who Love Bad News" and start your recovery from social retardation.... Cheers.